Piano, music production & audio technology
About my
teaching & lecturing experience
Experience: Lecturer, teacher, workshop leader and demonstrator
Futureworks & Spirit Studio l Lecturer Research Skills for music producer & music production I Sep 2023 - ongoing
Course and lesson content creation, design and delivery to degree level & foundation level students
Marking, student tutorials, moderation and meetings to ensure parity
Time management, general office based organisational and planning skills
Masterclasses and extra curricula content
BIMM Group LTD I Lead lecturer production, audio engineering & song writing I Jun 2020 - ongoing
Course and lesson content creation, design and delivery to degree level students
One to one tuition for Masters students in music technology, composition and song writing
Marking, student tutorials and care
Convening, moderation and meetings to ensure parity
Time management, general office based organisational and planning skills
Instructional video design and development
Assessment, interviewing of potential students. Workshop design for potential student experience
Masterclasses and extra curricula content
Future DJ's & Future Productions I Video tutorials I Jan 2020 – Jan 2021
Script development for online tutorials, communication and development to individual corporate style
Creation of videos for You tube content
Chantelle E Scott | Music and Music Production tuition to individuals and groups | Jan 2015 - ongoing
Piano tuition, instruments, music theory, music production using DAW and studio recording equipment
Develop, design and tailor workshops and give talks on sound, production, music and science
Manage and organise own studio, business and related administrative duties
Noisy Toys I Sound & Science Workshops, Management and Performance I Jun 2014 – 2022
planning, creative management and development to theatrical performance and science workshop leader.
One Education, Unity, Key Changes & T.I.P.P | Electronic Music Workshop leader | 2012 - Apr 2018
engaging & supporting adults & young people in music creation, production, studio techniques.
communicate closely with staff to meet the needs of the clients and monitor and evaluate sessions
had to be flexible to the changing needs of a group dynamic and confident in my approach sometimes in highly stressful environments
design, deliver and continue to develop the workshop content to suit the changing groups.